Fantastic Find in Paris!

2 Trillium Way Paris ON N3L 3M5

  3   |    3   |    2798 Sq Feet




Single Family Home

This 2798 square foot 4-level side split home offers the perfect blend of space and convenience in a family-friendly neighbourhood. Featuring 3 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms, the property home beautiful updates throughout, including a fantastic addition of a living room filled with windows that overlook the fully fenced, large backyard and adjacent park. Ideally situated, this home is within walking distance to public, separate, and high schools, as well as employment opportunities, shopping, and parks. Families will appreciate the ample living space, abundant natural light, and the tranquil setting near a park, providing endless opportunities for outdoor recreation and relaxation. Whether you're looking to put down roots or upgrade your family's living situation, this exceptional home offers the perfect combination of comfort, convenience, and community. Don't miss your chance to make this your family's new haven. Complete the form here for details and to book your viewing!
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